


Helping women who are searching for purpose achieve clarity and confidence so that they can live their dream life.


Because when you know what you want, you can create a path forward.


Do you feel stuck in a life that’s just meh?  


Are you searching for your purpose?  


Have you always thought you were meant for something more but was afraid to take a risk?


We have been conditioned by family and society to live a certain way and accept certain aspects of life whether they make us happy or not - go to college, get a high paying job, work hard, get married, buy a house, have children, etc.   While all of those things can be wonderful, we can end up giving everything we have to others and losing ourselves in the process.  We may end up in a career we don't like, a marriage that is toxic, living in a place that doesn't feel right, or totally clueless about what will actually make us happy.  

Being disconnected with our authentic self leads to unhappiness, feelings of being stuck, and an inability to define what we want and who we are.  Some of us know what we want, but don't believe we deserve it or are unsure of how to get there.  With all of the distractions in life, we can't seem to find a clear path.  


The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.

                                                                        - Oprah Winfrey



Hi, I'm Nicole...

I am an Empowerment Coach who's made it my mission to help women who are searching for purpose achieve clarity and confidence so that they can live their dream lives.  Why?


This is not a dress rehearsal!  You should be the leading lady of your own life.  I can help you:  

~Align with your authentic self

~Gain the confidence to face your fears

~Get clear on who you are and what you want

~Change negative thoughts and behaviors

~Believe in yourself

I know it's scary to change what you've always done.  But with my guidance and the support of other women who are searching for purpose too, you can achieve the happiness, purpose, and authenticity you are looking for!


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I was unhappily married, living in the small town I grew up in, and had an unfulfilling job that paid me $17,000 a year.  I was severely depressed.  I finally had to decide - did I want to continue with this life or did I want to choose a different way.  Did I have the courage to choose me?   


I decided to choose me and it was a major turning point in my life!  I went back to school so that I could achieve my dream career.  I worked to become more self aware, change my negative mindset, heal the hurts that blocked my success, and create an exciting life vision.

Today I travel the world doing what I love!  I get to help amazing women become the best versions of themselves and live the most wonderful lives imaginable.

I know you would love to figure out what you want  and gain confidence so that you can live your purpose.

But how?

The ONLY way forward is to look where you've been, get clear on who you are, move towards positivity, and create a vision.  The time to make a change is now!  Will you choose you?


At some point, we just have to take the risk and jump into a new life.  Using my unique approach, you will address all aspects of your struggle to get clear on who you want to be, what you want, and how to be happy.  It's time to stop looking for the quick fix and do the deeper work.  It all starts with you.  Let's do this!

Meet the rest of our team here!